Monday, September 25, 2006

Who Are You (To Try & Tell Me)

Argh, I hate these things. But I love them as a timewaster, and my neck is fucking killing me, so in lieu of a creative blog entry today, a Stupid Survey I Stole off Myspace...

Elizabeth, Parce, Miss Moet, (Pope the) Empress (I).
Birthday: 16 August, 1980
Birthplace: Nashville, TN
Current Location: my office, goofing off
Eye Color: blue-green
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5 feet nine inches
Right Handed or Left Handed? right to write, left to reach for stuff
Your Heritage: white people of some kind, can't get more specific
The Shoes You Wore Today: my sensible librarian feels a bit wicked witchy everyday work shoes.
Your Weakness: Artists, kittens, bullets
Your Fears: Amphibians, falling down, losing the love and respect of those I care about
Your Perfect Pizza: one like the Artist makes me at 4 am...all the cheeses in the fridge plus fajita chicken and maybe some pepperonis...and since this is an Ideal, how about some jerk seasoning on the chicken?
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: straight A's
Your Most Overused Phrase On IM? wtf????
Thoughts First Waking Up? "Stop it, cat!"
Your Best Physical Feature? My opinion, or the breasts?
Your Bedtime? When I'm sleepy, by two, period.
Your Most Missed Memory? Randy singing songs withmy name in them after the rain stopped.
Pepsi or Coke? which one is on sale in cans?
McDonalds or Burger King? BK, if the rest of the fifty-jillion other options aren't dotting the landscape.
Single or Group Dates? Dates? I like figs myself, and raisins.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea? try loose jasmine
Chocolate or Vanilla? both. And then, something salty.
Cappuccino or Coffee? bleech! Choco-covered espresso beans in a keep-awake pinch.
Do you smoke? "I'se supposeda stop, but I cain't."
Do you swear? When not functioning in my professional capacity? Perhaps a bit overmuch.
Do you sing? When called upon.
Do you shower daily? Unless I'm taking a bath, weirdo.
Have you been in love? Yes.
Do you want to go to college? Generally yes, but today I'd cut if it wouldn't risk DOOOM...
Do you want to get married? Very maybe.
Do you believe in yourself? I'm pretty sure I didn't imagine myself up. But never certain.
Do you get motion sickness? Not often.
Do you think you are attractive? Less often than I claim to.
Are you a Health Freak? In the sense that people talking to me about my health freaks me the fuck out and makes me want to hit them with sticks until they admit that non-smokers and vegetarians die too, yes.
Do you get along with your parents? Most of the time.
Do you like thunderstorms? Baby, I love thunderstorms.
Do you play an instrument? Not really. I drum a lil and play with my flute.
In the past month have you drank alcohol? Hells yes! We found 70 proof vanilla rum!
In the past month have you smoked? Yes.
In the past month have you been on Drugs? Take the fifth.
In the past month have you gone on a date? Nope.
In the past month have you gone to a mall? Hell NOES!
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos? Ew.
In the past month have you eaten sushi? No.
In the past month have you been on stage? Yes, I sing for my punch at LSP.
In the past month have you been dumped? No, but I have been stood up.
In the past month have you gone skinny dipping? Too!
In the past month have you stolen anything? We prefer the term "misappropriate."
Ever been drunk? Oh yes oh yes.
Ever been called a tease? Yes.
Ever been beaten up? Not since childhood.
Ever shoplifted? Nope.
How do you want to die? Heroically saving my family from a burning shipwreck....when I say and not a second sooner.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Tish.
What country would you most like to visit? Strongbadia.

Best Clothing Style: hot hippie librarian
Number of drugs I have taken: I wasn't keeping score
Number of CDs I own: bunches
Number of piercings: eight
Number of Tattoos: seven
Number of things in my past I regret: Non, je ne regrette rien.


At 8:52 AM, Anonymous beulah@israel said...

pretty interesting. somehow i imaged absolutely another person behind this posts. most of all i like the issue about regretting. i never regret also-there is no sence to do it. we cant work on our past but we can influence on our future.


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